We perform all types of electrical measurements that require the use of specialised devices by certified electricians. As a result, true information on the technical condition of the electrical networks is obtained.
Electrical measurements are operational procedures made by means of specialised metering devices. During this process, the information on the technical condition of the electrical networks and the options for the improvement thereof is obtained, including information on how to reduce accidents and disasters or situations that involve fire hazards. Measurements at SIA Efekta are performed by a certified electric engineer, who prepares a report on the measurements of electrical networks.
Our company offers a wide range of services to its customers, including quality measurements of electricity network parameters and measurements of the resistance of insultation of the electrical installations.
Quality measurements of electrical network parameters include measurements of several network parameters by means of a network analyser. Analysis of measurements is performed after the performance thereof. The service enables the customer to understand the character of their energy consumption and make decisions on the need to install reactive power compensation devices, input protection devices (breakers), or to reduce the electric current value, etc.
Resistance measurements of wiring insulation may serve different purposes; however, one of the most common purposes is electrical insultation inspection documentation, which is required as one of the steps for the commissioning of the building. In addition to wiring insulation resistance measurements, the inspection of contact connections is performed with the help of a thermal camera. It serves the purpose of detecting overloaded contacts. As a result of the provision of the service, the customer shall receive the contact connection inspection deed and wiring insulation resistance report.
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